
sgb talk.

let's face it. times are tough. although, it's never been my reality to drop my mortgage payment on a new bag it's certainly not during these economic times. my girl, ope, wrote a great blog asking if fashion is a new guilty pleasure. i think about it all the time. depression or not, sgb represents the everyday fashionistas. everyday fashionistas with everyday bills - we stay flyy and fashion tuned but we know that mortgage and car note isn't going to pay itself. hello!

this is sgb's premise. period. depression or not. and this real stye always interests me more than runway style because we make it flyy without rihanna or mary j. ends$.

so what's up with us? we're in the kitchen cooking up some things. we think you'll be pleased. watch and see.

in the meantime, continue to enjoy our depression-friendly stuff:

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