
that's all folks.

one saturday afternoon back in 08, september i think, i randomly decided to start a blog. i said i'd do it until i no longer felt like it anymore.

the other day lanvin debuted at h&m. i saw flicks from my friends on the book of the crazed crowds and long lines and wristbands. i said to myself, i'd never do that shit. gasp. although i can't be the only fashionista who wouldn't brave the chaos for lanvin at h&m, it was a very defining moment for me.

love fashion. always will. i get it from mom and pop dukes. but it's time to concentrate on some other things. like interior design. nowadays, i'm obsessed with interior decorating and planning how i'm going to decorate my new house. and i like reading really good fashion blogs by others. it's so many out there. and just not enough hours in the day to put the energy into running my own daily blog. time for a lane change.

so with that, i'm exiting stage left. her steeze lives on. i'm keeping that name for some future plans. and i may make a grand entrance on tumblr. i like tumblr.

to all 11 of my readers (lol, ok maybe 38) friend me on the book. let's stay in touch.

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