
diet butcher slim.

it's crazy that i'm finding all of these dope sneaks because i really don't wear them too much. most sneaks are bulky and look awkward on my feet so with the exception of my trusty sambas, i don't rock sneaks too much. however, it seems that so many hot sneaks are crossing my eyes these days - either for me or tye. these are no exception. the designer: diet butcher slim, a japanese label. these are fresh, right? i'm really drawn to high tops and these sit very high, with fat dooky laces and a throwback look that you know i love.

these came out in september and will probably set you back about three-fitty. yes i said fitty. good luck trying to find them because i'm sure these were a hit.

i'm going shoe shopping today. not for sneaks, for shoes. not sure what i'll come back with. not sure exactly what i want but will know it once i see it. you know how that goes.

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